I never even imagined that even opening a bank account would be a nightmare for me (that too when I have a Swiss account ;)).
Good news first: Strange enough, I got my UK visa without any problems (Touchwood) on the same day of my application.
Branch news: Branch news: but for my daughter when her visa was applied from India thru’ travel agent, initially her visa was refused without explanation. Two weeks later when her father applied in person during his India trip they issued the visa for the previous application and refunded the money for the new application etc…..But, still a month’s mental tension and pain caused can’t be taken back by the UK embassy. May be my name (mother’s name) had caused this delay/initial false visa rejection ;) for her
Coming back to the bank account issue, since Dec 15th, I have been actively trying to open a bank account.
1) And to open a bank account, I need to have Employment Contract or Address Proof.
2) When I apply for a job they tell me that I need to have an NI number and Bank account J
3) When I try to apply for NI number they tell me I need to have a proof of employment J and address proof from Bank/anything).
Which will I get first?

I managed to take the TV licence on my name to have address proof. But, was told, that was not valid. Only utility bills on my name for past three months J can be considered valid it seems.
They said they will accept a letter from a Doctor or a Solicitor stating that I live at the address mentioned. Then, I will be able to open a Basic Bank Account (just the ATM card, no debit, no credit, no savings). Fine, that’s okay to start with.
After the letter from my doctor, I proudly went in again to the same bank (probably 5th /6th time). By now, most of the bank employees could recognize me well J
But, in the letter, the doctor has mentioned, “according to our medical records Mrs.Vijayalakshmi Sundararajan lives in the address mentioned”. They can’t accept it as doctor didn’t assure her address and said “according to”. Finally the letter and the application form were forwarded to the head office for the decision.
After a few days, I received a letter from the bank asking proof of my previous address. Upon sending the same, I finally received a letter with details of my bank account. But, until today I haven’t received the ATM card and the PIN number.
When I visited last week, they said they had sent it already and I need to report as “lost/stolen card”. Funny enough to report a card as lost/stolen when I haven’t even seen it myself. Anyways, I have done so and now I need to visit the Bank coming week (as I told them that I will collect the card in person not to send by post). Let’s see how it goes.