Finally I could meet the passport officer with that letter given by the company, but it made no difference. He said unless the report comes from Trichy nothing can be done. This irritated me so much. Why do all these things happen only to me? Went to meet the agent immediately after the meeting with passport officer as his office was in the same building as that of passport office. To add the fuel, he said what the passport officer has said is very strange and he (agent) can’t help me as there was a new rule against the agents in passport office.
Hmmmmmm….Tears were already in my cheeks. I was hurt like no one else had even been. I was so tired and fed of this game (running here and there for nothing). I was in a position where I can no longer meet any people or visit any offices regarding this passport.
I felt like making another application at Trichy passport office, but as that was against the government rules I gave up that idea. But my roommate went to TamilNadu and came back in a week with a “Takkal Passport” in her hand (though she had made an application at Mumbai as well).All my roommates have the passports now except me. I had a feeling that I will never get my passport and I can never go outside India. I did nothing about this passport for next one month.
But something happened…………..
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